
Counterproof Press fosters creative exchange through a variety of collaborative initiatives, bringing together artists, writers, and students to explore the intersections of printmaking and other disciplines. Our Visiting Artist program invites contemporary artists to experiment and produce new work in our studio, while Happenstance provides a space for spontaneous, student-driven projects that emphasize hands-on learning. Through our partnership with the Wallace Stevens Poetry Program, we further connect printmaking with literary arts, transforming poetry into tangible, printed forms.

Image of ink in printshop

Visiting Artists

The Visiting Artist program at Counterproof Press brings contemporary artists to collaborate, experiment, and create new works, fostering dynamic exchanges between printmaking and diverse artistic practices. Here are a few of the artists we have worked with: 

Breanne Trammell and Mary Banas

Meredith Stern

Micheal Levine

Michael Menchacha and Suzy Gonzalez


Wallace Stevens Poetry Program

The Wallace Stevens Poetry Program at the University of Connecticut annually brings distinguished poets to campus for readings and discussions, honoring the legacy of the esteemed modernist poet Wallace Stevens.​ Below are some of our collaborations with the poets and our print shop. 

CARL PHILLIPS - For it Felt Like Power

SUSAN STEWART - Atavistic Sonnet

CLAUDIA RANKINE - Don't Let Me Be Lonely

PAUL MULDOON - The Firing Squad

A.E. STALLINGS - Alice Bewildered

Happenstance Project

Counterproof Press engages in cross-disciplinary collaboration through printmaking workshops and student-driven projects, with "Happenstance" serving as a platform for spontaneous, hands-on creative exploration that results in unique printed works. Click here to learn more about UConn Happenstance. Some past projects are linked below:

Peter Evonuk and David Wolfe

UDHR Booklet